Please read through all of this page carefully before applying for a scholarship.

Wasatch Kids is committed to the belief that every child, regardless of family or economic circumstance, should have a safe, fun-filled, and memorable summer experience.  Scholarships are based on financial necessity and on available funds.  Most scholarships offered are for an award of 20-50% off the full price of tuition.  The Scholarship Application deadline is May 1st, 2025.

You must turn in your scholarship application and be awarded a scholarship BEFORE you do your online registration.

Steps to Apply for a WKC Scholarship:

1)  Complete this online form: 2025 Scholarship Application 

2)  Email your 2024 tax return and/or your household 2024 W-2s and 2023 tax return to office@wasatchkidscamps.com

3)  You will be informed of your award by email within two weeks of us receiving your application and tax forms.

4) Once awarded, follow the instructions in your award email.


There is no sibling discount for scholarship recipients, all siblings will get the same scholarship rate. 

All scholarships money comes directly from donations made to Wasatch Kids.  Scholarship awards will be based on annual family income and other circumstances.

Scholarship recipients still pay the $60 registration fee (per camper) unless waived.  

Please don't register for camp unless you are able to pay the full tuition.  If you are requesting assistance, you will need to be approved for a scholarship prior to registration.

All scholarships are first come first serve and funds are limited. You will be notified by email of your scholarship acceptance within 2 weeks of submitting both requirements. We will begin to review applications about two weeks before registration opens.

Once a scholarship is accepted, the recipient will have two weeks to complete their online registration.  We can not hold a spot for you, so please be prompt.

Please note if you are applying for more than one child, there will be NO sibling discount on top of the awarded scholarship. Additionally, you will need to pay a registration fee for your camper(s) and submit your registration before we can apply your scholarship to your camp tuition. Thanks!

© 2007-2022. Wasatch Kids Camp. All Rights Reserved.