Please read this handbook thoroughly. It has vital information to help your child have the best summer possible. If your family has any further questions, concerns, or needs a further explanation of any item within this handbook, please do not hesitate to email us or call our camp office at (801) 263-CAMP(2267). We are looking forward to a fantastic summer with your family!
Registration and Payment Information
Safety Policies and Emergency Procedures
Our goal is to provide an amazing summer camp experience for kids of all backgrounds. We provide a safe environment where kids can spend their summers with positive role models while developing their social skills as they make new friends. We will help kids gain an appreciation for the community they live in and respect for the environment around them. We will achieve these goals by exposing our campers to new places, experiences, and ideas. Our camps will allow kids the chance to create fun memories and have an incredible summer camp experience.
Wasatch Kids is comprised of different camp options. See below to learn more.
Age Groups: Trailblazers (ages 6-7), Pathfinders (ages 8-9), Cruisers (9-11) and Explorers (ages 11-13) (5 year olds must have completed Kindergarten.)
Sites: Sugarhouse Garden Center, Sunnyside Park, Murray Park and Antczak Park (Sites may change up until registration opens)
Age Groups: Trailblazers (ages 6-7), Pathfinders (ages 8-9), Cruisers (9-11) and Explorers (ages 11-13) (5 year olds must have completed Kindergarten.)
Sites: Beehive Academy, Riverton City Park, Southfork Park and South Jordan Park (Sites may change up until registration opens)
Moab- Week 4
Yuba Lake - Week 6
Lava Hot Springs- Week 7
Echo Reservoir- Week 9
Drop-off and Pick-up Site: Murray Park
Please choose just one camp group for the whole summer. Each group consists of 40-50 campers and 4-6 adults.
Our Trailblazers Day Camp provides a stimulating summer environment with personal guidance. We want your child to grow physically and emotionally during this most impressionable age. Our devoted counselors nurture each Trailblazer during this process of personal growth. Wasatch Kids offers each camper safety, warmth and personal attention, and daily activities that offer innovative experiences and allow their energetic and eager-to-learn personalities to thrive.
Our Pathfinders Day Camp is all about having fun, keeping on the go, and growing in independence. We love this age group because they are so excited about exploring and trying new things while making lasting friendships with both their peers and our amazing staff. Let's have another amazing non-stop year with our Pathfinders!!
Our Cruisers are part of our newest additions to Wasatch Kids! The Cruisers take on a more ambitious and adventurous look at what Utah has to offer! This group is incredibly fun, outgoing, and always on the move! These higher-level activities open doors of trust and friendship that will create bonds and happy memories for a lifetime!
Our Explorers Day Camp understands that the more mature camper already has a certain identity, but still strives for a sense of individuality. Our experienced counselors assist in personal growth by being daily mentors and motivators. Our weekly activities create the opportunity to succeed while instilling the "If I can do this, I can do anything" approach in our Explorers. Every summer we hear the phrase, "This is the coolest summer I have ever had!" and it is our continuing goal to hear it again!
TRAVEL CAMP (8-16 YRS) *ages vary
We are thrilled to offer Travel Camp at Wasatch Kids!! These campers are of all ages (almost) and they are always up for a road trip! We have amazing trips planned to very exciting destinations. Travel Camp will have a dedicated bus just for them and an amazing staff that is stoked to go on some amazing trips! Each camp will be 5 days and 4 nights and all meals and activities will be provided. SO...if your camper loves the outdoors and camping then sign them up for TRAVEL CAMP! Don't miss out! Each trip will have 35 campers and at least 6 adults, 18 or over.
Registration will open Jan 31st, 2025. Wasatch Kids requires an annual $60 camper registration fee AND the first week's tuition to be paid for before registration will be considered complete. If you are registering for Travel Camp only, half of travel camp tuition will be charged at the time of registration. There are also additional online forms that must be completed prior to registration being complete. These forms can be found within your registration portal. We will not hold your child's place in Camp until the process is complete.
You must register and pay for at least TWO weeks of day camp. If you are doing Travel Camp only, you do not need to select any day camp weeks.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, ACH (checking account), checks and cash.
Tuition is ALWAYS due the first day of the registered week if not already prepaid. We will run payments due on the Monday of each registered week using the default card or checking account on file. Payments must be made in advance and arranged by calling the office if you want to pay with a check or cash.
All payment information kept on file is secure and private. (All we see are the last 4 digits.)
It is your responsibility to make sure your credit card on file is up to date and not expired and funds are available.
There is a $20 fee if your payment is declined or bounces.
**There is no charge for ACH payments.
**There is a 3% credit card fee.
If you wish to update or change your payment method, please contact us.
Our staff in camp will not know payment information. Please contact the office with any questions regarding payments. Thank you!
Wasatch Kids will cancel and refund any tuition/weeks if the registered week is canceled on or before April 15th, 2025.
All cancellations need to be made by emailing the camp office. We will respond once your camper’s week has been canceled and any applicable tuition has been refunded.
If you cancel any weeks after April 15th, 2025, there will be a cancellation fee of $100 for each week IF we can fill your camper's spot from the waitlist, if there is no waitlist, you will be responsible for the full week's tuition. Remember you will still need to stay registered and pay for at least 2 weeks, even if you cancel or your camper doesn't attend.
After registration, the annual registration fee, of $60, is not refundable.
You have to pay for what you sign up for! There will be no credit for the time that a camper misses camp due to illness, vacations, sports tournaments or days off from camp. If you choose not to send your camper to camp on days they are signed up for, you are still required to pay. An agreement about this will be electronically signed during your online registration. Non-payment may result in extra fees and/or outside collections.
No refunds will be given if your child is suspended from camp. If a camper is suspended or expelled from camp, the family will be held responsible for all fees stated on the contract. Make sure to review the Wasatch Kids Life Skills & Bus Skills form carefully with your child.
If your payment is declined and you have not made your payment in full by the Tuesday of the week registered for, you will be charged a daily late payment fee. The fee will start on the Wednesday of the registered week and it is $20 per day. It is at the discretion of the office staff that this fee will be charged based on circumstance and communication regarding the late payment. Communication is key! Please contact our office if your payment will not be made in time and return our correspondence if we are trying to reach you regarding a payment issue. Non-payment may result in extra fees and/or outside collections.
**If your credit card is declined, you will be charged $20. Payments are processed Monday mornings.
Register early so you don't have to deal with the dreaded waitlists.....if you do find yourself stuck registering for a waitlist we feel your pain and wish we could make it go away. However, our buses can only hold so many and we limit our numbers for each camp. We are often asked when we will know if there is an opening and you are off the waitlist. It could be the next day, it could be weeks...we are anticipating cancellations just like you. As soon as there is an opening and your camper is next on the list we will contact you by email to let you know a spot has opened up and you're in!! If you have changed your mind please let us know ASAP so we can offer it to the next child on the list. You will have 48 hours to let us know you don't want to be registered before you are obligated to that week. If you would like to know the ranking of your camper(s) on the waitlists please email or call us and we will let you know so you can have an idea of what your chances are of getting in for each wait-listed week. If you are stuck on waitlists and never get into any of your desired camps just let us know and we will refund your registration fee.
We will accept 5-year-olds only if they have completed Kindergarten. We have found this makes a big difference because of the nature of our camp always being on the move. We know it's hard to wait but we're worth it!! :)
All of our regular counselors, bus drivers and group supervisors are age 18 or over and have prior experience with children. All staff undergoes extensive screenings and training requirements before camp begins, including:
- Background Check/Fingerprinting
- First Aid/CPR Training
- Emergency Training
- Reference Checks
- Over 16 Hours of WKC Employee Training
All buses undergo a thorough safety inspection by our certified drivers on a daily basis. All campers will be transported in former school buses which are equipped with a fully stocked First Aid Kit, drinking water, and emergency supplies. Each CDL (State of Utah Commercial Driver License) licensed driver has previous experience and has been properly screened, fingerprinted, and provided our office with current driving records obtained from the Department of Motor Vehicles. In addition, all bus drivers complete our regular staff requirements. No summer camp bus is equipped with any type of seat belt because it is prohibited by law.
During the hot summer months, we ensure our campers' safety with the following:
- Daily mandatory sunscreen application is given to all campers by our trained counselors. Parents are welcome to apply sunscreen in the morning, but we'll do it again. We also re-apply sunscreen as needed during swimming or other outdoor activities. Our campers are required to bring SPF 50+ lotion sunscreen (no spray please) on a daily basis. If you have more than one camper (siblings), each camper must bring their own bottle. They cannot share a bottle. If your camper does not bring sunscreen we will provide some and inform you that they need to bring it the next time they attend camp. If they fail to bring it the next time they attend camp we will give them a bottle from our camp store and charge your account $10. Please help your camper with this important responsibility. Please label the sunscreen with tape and a permanent marker! If your child has a tendency to burn easily, please send them with a sun-blocking hat and swim shirt on outdoor swim days.
- Water bottles: Water bottles are required of all campers. It is vital that they have a 24oz+ REUSEABLE, DURABLE water bottle so they have access to water all day long. We have 10-gallon water coolers on each of our buses for refills and we encourage our campers to drink, drink, and drink some more! Please label water bottles with tape and a permanent marker! If your camper forgets their water bottle, we will provide them with one and charge your account $2.
- HATS are also a great way to protect from the sun, please make sure you label everything!!
The following policies and safety precautions are in place to promote safety while traveling on various field trips,
- Wristbands- All campers are required to wear a Wasatch Kids wristband at all times while in camp. This wristband identifies our campers and contains the WKC phone number. All campers are instructed on what to do in case of separation from the group, and we educate our campers to know where to go for help and who to ask depending on our location. These wristbands stay at camp. If your camper accidentally brings one home please return it when you can. Thanks!
- Camper Counts- Our counselors conduct regular counting of campers to ensure that we always have our entire group of children. Sometimes, for public field trips, our campers will be divided into smaller groups and assigned to a specific counselor for a period of time.
Our staff will carry cell phones with them for camp use only. These cell phone numbers can NOT be given out to families. However, you may contact your camper through the office when needed. Please respect these private phone numbers. Campers are prohibited from bringing cell phones/smart watches to camp. We are not responsible for items not allowed that are brought to camp. We want to encourage campers to interact with those around them and their environment. We survived childhood without a phone and our kids can too. :)
Our staff members participate in all activities, including swimming, to allow them to catch problems and resolve them before they arise. Most all pools we visit are zero-depth entry pools so kids of all swim levels are comfortable and have a safe place to play. You can send a life jacket with your camper if they are still working on their swimming skills.
Reservoirs: Occasionally, our campers go to reservoirs for field trips. These trips involve swimming and may, on occasion, involve participation in riding with a trained counselor on our camp watercraft - jet skis or boat. Certified life jackets (the orange ones) are provided and are ALWAYS required when our campers are in the water. We appreciate and welcome campers to bring their own life jacket but please label it with their name!
Our ratios are the best in the state! This ensures the safety of our campers during all of our amazing field trips. We try our best to always be within the below ratios but there may be times due to staffing issues or staff illnesses that these ratios are not able to be met. Our camp will always be under the state required ratio of 1:22.
- Trailblazers (age 5-7) Ratio 1:8
- Pathfinders (age 8-9) Ratio 1:10
- Cruisers (age 9-11) Ratio 1:10
- Explorers (age 11-13) Ratio 1:12
- Travel Camp (age 8-16) Ratio 1:7 or better
Medication that your camper needs during camp is only administered by our staff, except inhalers or other approved medications. Any type of prescription or nonprescription drug or medicine that needs to be administered to a camper during any summer camp experience must be administered or supervised by a staff member. No camper is allowed to medicate themselves or to carry any medication with them (with few exceptions). All medicines need to be given by an authorized guardian to the staff with a Medication Release Form (found under the Parent Menu on the homepage of the website) with written instructions explaining dosage and time of dosage. Parents may receive copies of these forms at any time. Medicines will be safely stored at all times with a group supervisor. Our staff is not trained or able to provide injections of any type except epi-pens.
Each bus and group supervisor will always carry a First Aid Kit that is stocked with essential items. Each staff member is certified in Child CPR and First Aid. If a camper sustains a minor injury, our staff will fill out an incident report and inform the parent of the injury by phone or at pick-up depending on the severity of the injury. If a camper sustains an injury that requires immediate professional medical treatment, we will contact the parents immediately to discuss options. In the case that a parent can not be reached, we will contact the emergency contacts listed by the parent. If an injury has the potential to be life-threatening, we will immediately seek professional medical help and then will contact the parents/emergency contacts. Incident Reports will be filled out by staff members in case of any serious injury sustained by a camper. You can request a copy of your child's Incident Report at any time through our office.
Emergency contact information for your child is accessible by your child's group at all times in case of an emergency. Our supervisors and staff are all trained in emergency procedures. In case of an emergency or natural disaster, all of our staff is trained in how to ensure the safety of our campers. Emergency plans, phone numbers, and safety policies are accessible to staff members at all times. Emergency drills are conducted with our campers on a regular basis in order to make sure our campers know what to do in case of an emergency. If there is an emergency and we can't communicate with individual camps or parents our staff are trained to meet up at one of our main indoor locations if they can do so safely. That is where you can go to find your child in such an emergency.
Every camper must be signed in and out of camp EVERY day by an authorized individual. You will be assigned a 6 digit pin that you will use to sign you child/ren in and out of camp. Parents may authorize, in writing, that children over the age of 12 may be signed out by a Wasatch Kids Staff Member if they are walking to/from camp. Only authorized individuals are allowed to pick-up children from our camp. At pick-up time, our staff may also wish to discuss any circumstances or situations that occurred during the day that they believe the adult should be aware of. If the individual picking up the child is not recognized by our staff we may require a picture ID to ensure that they are one of the authorized adults. You must pick-up and drop-off your child at the same site unless the office has given prior authorization for the change.
Please have your child to the appropriate site by the departure time listed. It's not fun to chase the bus! If you miss the bus, contact the office to coordinate meeting up with your child's group. Also, please pick-up your child at the end of the day prior to closing. You will be charged $10 for every 10 minutes that you are late picking up your child at the end of the day. If you would like a different individual to be authorized to pick up your child in case of extraordinary circumstances, please contact our office and we can relay the authorization to the site counselor.
We are unable to accommodate late drop-offs or early pick-ups except for rare situations. Please plan your appointments and activities for your child outside of camp hours. Our field trips are held in various locations and it is difficult to meet families at a prescribed time because of traffic, locations, etc. We are always on the move and usually have multiple activities scheduled each day. It disrupts our groups and makes their day more difficult when they have to accommodate early pick ups. It can potentially make us late to our scheduled activities and pick up locations.
If there is an emergency or special situation a family needs to drop off or pick up their camper during a field trip, please telephone the Camp Office to coordinate. If you ever drop off or pick up a camper from a field trip, it is imperative that you let the supervisor of that particular camp know immediately and sign your child in or out with that supervisor. We are held accountable for every camper. One extra or missing camper can cause major complications for the entire camp. There are some times during the day that our camps are en route to a different location, these are blackout times for early pick-up and we thank you for understanding.
Communication is key to camp being successful and enjoyable for campers, families, and staff.
To kick off every summer, we offer a Camp Picnic for registered or interested camp families. This allows campers to become familiar with other campers and staff members before the first day of camp. We will hand out your camper's t-shirt at this event. We will provide hot dogs, grilled cheese sandwiches, and drinks for everyone. We will also have a bounce house and our famous snow cones and cotton candy! If you can, bring a side or dessert to share. An RSVP is encouraged when you register but not required to attend. Details of this event are found on our website and will be emailed to registered families closer to the event.
Call our office first if you have any questions or if you need to relay a message to your child. We can always contact our camps by cell phone to relay necessary messages.
If any information changes during the summer months (address, contact telephone numbers, etc.), please contact our Camp Office so we can make the appropriate changes and inform our staff. If a family status changes in any way, please let us know so we know whom to communicate with and how to address the camper.
Please look at your camper's weekly/daily schedule each day to know what they are doing and what items are needed. These are found on our website. Schedules are subject to change as we are finalizing plans and confirming activities. Please do not rely on them off until the Friday before the week they are to attend to avoid having outdated information. It is very important to communicate the information on the schedule to your camper so he/she will be prepared to participate in camp.
If families have any concerns with camp, staff, campers, etc., please contact our Camp Office. We will address those concerns, or direct the concern(s), to the appropriate person(s) in camp. If a family has any questions about fees or payment(s), please telephone the Camp Office. Our counselors do not have answers to any financial/account questions.
Wasatch Kids want parents and campers to understand the basic requirements and/or citizenship every camper should maintain during camp. Understanding and adhering to our Camper Citizenship Program helps ensure a safe and positive environment for every camper.
1) Be positive and willing to try new experiences
2) Support each other at all times
3) Help others whenever you can
3) Respect everyone and everything
4) Refrain from using undesired language or gestures
5) The use of alcohol and drugs is prohibited
6) Be prepared every day
7) Stay with the group
Our staff will practice our Camper Citizenship Program every day and will guide all campers by example. Each camper should attend our summer experience with the understanding of the importance of following the guidelines prescribed in order to be a positive camp participant. We reserve the right to suspend or expel any camper from any activity or summer camp experience if the camper chooses not to adhere to the Camper Citizenship Program. Suspension or expulsion will occur only after all alternative courses of action have been exhausted by the staff and the involved family. Immediate suspension or expulsion will occur if any camper is a safety risk to his/herself, other campers, or staff members or if any of the Zero Tolerance guidelines are violated.
There will be no...
- obscene language/gestures
- weapons of any kind
- alcohol/vaping/drugs/nicotine products
- sexual behavior
- bullying
- violence toward others or staff
- cell phones/smart watches (unless special permission is granted through the office)
- personal headphones
- electronic games
- matches/lighters
- inappropriate clothing/literature
- any drug or drug-related item
MP3 players/IPODS may be brought to hook up to the bus stereo system at your own risk of loss/damage/theft. All music must be camp appropriate, please label!!!!
Wasatch Kids believes everyone involved with our summer camp needs to understand and abide by the same guidelines during our programs. Campers receive an orientation to Wasatch Kids SIX BASIC LIFE SKILLS on the first day of attendance. Below are the skills that we expect the campers to know and follow:
1) RESPECT (yourself, others, property & nature)
5) TELL THE TRUTH (no matter how hard)
The following rules are in place to keep our campers safe while on the bus:
1) Stay seated at all times
2) Use appropriate voice level
3) Keep yourself and your belongings in the bus when the engine is on
4) Always listen to the bus driver
5) Leave the bus clean and in good shape
6) Relax and enjoy the ride
Our staff understands there may be times throughout the summer a camper may stray from our guidelines. We would like to give the camper an opportunity to learn from these experiences. The following page offers a brief explanation of the four steps our staff may possilby take with a camper.
A staff member may sit down with the individual camper and help them identify which Life/Bus Skills they were not following. The staff will ask the camper what some appropriate ways would be to handle the situation if it occurred in the future. Our staff will ask the camper to apologize to the people involved.
If a camper decides not to follow Wasatch Kids Life Skills, Bus Skills, or is a safety risk in any way for a second time, staff may ask the camper to complete an Action Sheet. The Action Sheet has four components that will need to be completed by the camper or staff member. The four components are:
1) What occurred?
2) What Life Skills were not followed?
3) What are some other ways the situation could have been handled?
4) Who should you apologize to?
The camper and a staff member will sign the Action Sheet. The Action Sheet will be placed in the sign-out book so the authorized adult picking up the camper will know an incident occurred. The adult will need to speak with a staff member to discuss the situation with the camper present. At the end of the discussion, our staff will ask the adult to sign the Action Sheet. The Action Sheet will be stored in the camper's file.
If a camper decides not to follow the Life Skills, Bus Skills, or is a safety risk in any way for a third time, staff may either pull that camper out of the current activity or have them sit out of the following activity. The staff will inform the parent/guardian that their camper was pulled from an activity that day. The staff will also request that the camper apologize to the people involved.
This is a very serious consequence that will occur if a camper decides not to follow the Life Skills, Bus Skills or is a safety risk in any way for the fourth time or repeats the same situation in an undesirable way. The adult family member will be contacted immediately and asked to meet with the staff at the earliest convenience. Suspension may consist of single-day suspension up to permanent suspension, depending on the situation.
Wasatch Kids believe that when serious, undesirable behavior occurs more than once, the adult family member needs to be aware of the situation. The family needs to be involved so the camper understands the importance of making alternative decisions. If a situation arises, discuss the matter at home. Talk about the situation, the people impacted, and ways to handle the situation if it presents itself to your camper in the future. We have found out that the more the family is involved, the greater success we have in these situations!
Our camp is a great option for most kids but we understand it is not for everyone. We can not accommodate some situations or needs. If your camper requires special medical attention, is violent toward others or requires one-on-one care while at camp our camp will not work for your child. Safety is our priority and we want to provide the care your child deserves. We are constantly on the move and need our campers to be able and willing to safely adventure with us. If your child has a behavioral or medical diagnosis that requires regular one-on-one attention, an inability to stay with the group, or aggression or violence toward others, we will not be able to safely accommodate your camper.
Our staff asks that an adult family member assist each camper by being involved with their camper's summer experience. Informing the camper of the activities they'll be participating in and preparing them with the proper items needed are very important. We encourage families to demonstrate interest and excitement to their camper about the scheduled activities. The more involved the adult family members are with their camper's summer experiences, the more the camper will enjoy and look forward to attending summer camp.
If a family has concerns, problems, or suggestions, please take the time and talk with us. Families have many channels to talk with us about their concerns, problems, or suggestions. You may talk with an individual staff member, the supervisor of your particular camp, the Camp Office, or with a Camp Director.
Calendars are available online. Our calendars are most accurate the Friday before the week in question and are always subject to change based on weather and other unforeseen events. We will do our best to give you a notification if the calendar changes. Please check your camper's field trip and the items needed for each day they come to camp.
Many of our scheduled activities require their own waiver to participate. We've learned through the years that the amount of third-party waivers required can be overwhelming for busy parents. We will by default fill out all waivers on your behalf. If you do not want us to do this, please let us know ASAP and we will accommodate your request. :) If you DO NOT want your camper(s) to participate in a certain activity, please notify our office by email so we can inform your camper's staff.
Sometimes we're late! Our goal is always to depart and arrive on time. There are occasions where this cannot occur (i.e. traffic congestion, an extra bathroom stop). Please be patient if we depart or arrive later than the scheduled time. Our number one consideration is safety. We would rather be late to an event or late returning than risk the safety of the campers. We do leave on time in the morning so make sure your camper is at their site on time or we will leave without your child, and you'll have to catch up to us for them to attend camp that day.
We are unable to accommodate late drop-offs or early pick-ups except for rare situations. Please plan your appointments and activities for your child outside of camp hours. Our field trips are held in various locations and it is difficult to meet families at a prescribed time because of traffic, locations, etc. If there is an emergency or special situation a family needs to drop off or pick up their camper during a field trip, please telephone the Camp Office to coordinate. If you ever drop off or pick up a camper from a field trip, it is imperative that you let the supervisor of that particular camp know immediately and sign your child in or out with that supervisor. We are held accountable for every camper. One extra or missing camper can cause major complications for the entire camp. There are some times during the day that our camps are en route to a different location, these are blackout times for early pick-up and we thank you for understanding.
There are items that are required for each camper to bring on a daily basis. These include SPF 50+ Lotion Sunscreen (no spray please), a reusable water bottle, and a lunch. All items need to be labeled and placed in a BACKPACK labeled with your child's first and last name. PLEASE pack this backpack with your camper so they know where to find the items they need. It is important for campers to be able to get what they need and know where it is. We don't want to charge you for an item that they had all along. PLEASE consider the following recommendations for LUNCHES:
- Use a reusable, insulated lunch sack/bag
- Pack lots of food! Our campers get hungry and they are free to snack on their leftover lunch in the afternoons.
- Pack a mix of protein/carbohydrates
- Do NOT send caffeinated or high sugar items (No soda or energy/coffee drinks please)
- Don't forget a water bottle!
If your child does not have his/her lunch and you are not able to bring one to him/her, we will provide one at a charge of $10. If your child comes to camp without sunscreen more than once, we will give your child a bottle of sunscreen at the cost of $10. If your child does not have a water bottle, we will provide a 16 oz. one at the cost of $2. PLEASE make sure your child has these items each day. Please check our daily calendars' 'Don't Forget' lists online and make sure your camper has each needed item for that day's activities. These lists will be most accurate on the Friday before the week in question.
Campers need to be fully prepared for each activity. Certain items are not allowed in camp. If an item is brought to camp that is prohibited by our camp, the item will be confiscated and returned to the authorized adult when the camper is picked up from camp.
- Cell phones/Smart watches
- Weapons or knives of any kind
- Drugs of any kind (vaping supplies)
- Alcohol
- Handheld gaming devices
- Gum
- Matches
- Offensive attire or items
- iPod/MP3 players*
*MP3 players/IPODS may be brought to hook up to the bus stereo system at your own risk of loss/damage/theft and all music must be camp appropriate. Please label!!!!
- Reading Books
- Playing Cards
- Appropriate music
- Swimming goggles-label if possible
- Hats and Swimshirts are encouraged!
Please LABEL all of your children's belongings/clothes before they are sent/worn to camp. Every day we have campers lose or misplace their items. If the item is marked, it is relatively easy to return the item to the appropriate owner. We are not responsible for any item lost or stolen during any summer camp experience. Our staff continuously reminds the campers to care for their belongings. We recommend that families do not allow campers to bring any expensive items to camp since it may get lost or broken.
We do not allow money at camp unless it is specified on the calendar. Spending money listed under items needed is always optional. If money is not listed on the calendar, campers will not be allowed to buy things during field trips that day. This ensures fairness for all our campers. If your child is under the age of 10, we suggest sending the money in a plastic baggie labeled with the child's name. It is very easy to lose money at camp, and this helps us to return the money to the proper child. If your child is on a scholarship and you can't afford to send spending money, please contact us and we may be able to help. Always remember, spending money is optional. Your camper(s) will have fun with or without it!
Scholarships are offered based on need. We welcome any donations in order to facilitate giving a higher number of scholarships. If you are interested in donating to facilitate a scholarship please contact our office. Donations are tax-deductible. Please do not sign up for camp unless you have the ability to pay or until we have determined if a scholarship is available to you. Scholarships will generally cover between 20-50% of camp costs. Our goal is to allow every child, regardless of economic ability, to have a great summer experience. Scholarship applications will be available in approximately January each year. Availability is based on donations received and the number of applicants. The scholarship application deadline is May 1st. IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR A SCHOLARSHIP, DO NOT REGISTER UNTIL AFTER YOU HAVE HEARD BACK ABOUT AN AWARD.
Wasatch Kids will cancel and refund any tuition/weeks if the registered week is canceled on or before April 15th, 2025.
All cancellations need to be made by emailing the camp office. We will respond once your camper’s week has been canceled and any applicable tuition has been refunded.
If you cancel any weeks after April 15th, 2025, there will be a cancellation fee of $100 for each week IF we can fill your camper's spot from the waitlist, if there is no wait list, you will be responsible for the full week's tuition. Remember you will still need to stay registered and pay for at least 2 weeks, even if you cancel or your camper doesn't attend.
After registration, the annual registration fee, of $60, is not refundable.
You have to pay for what you sign up for! There will be no credit for the time that a camper misses camp due to illness,vacations, sports tournaments or days off from camp. An agreement about this will be electronically signed during your online registration.
No refunds will be given if your child is suspended from camp. If a camper is suspended or expelled from camp, the family will be held responsible for all fees stated on the contract. Make sure to review the Wasatch Kids Life Skills & Bus Skills form carefully with your child.
When you register your camper for Camp they get a camp t-shirt! The first chance to pick up your shirt will be at our annual family picnic the week before camp starts. After that, we will have the shirts at our main location, and your camper can pick it up there anytime (since they will be there each day to get into their age groups). We will have a list there with the size you chose at the time of registration. If your camper needs a different size, we are happy to accommodate! Please note that these t-shirts are not required to be worn by your camper during day camp, they are just for fun!
Our Counselor In Training (CIT) Program has been growing and growing these past years, and it has been amazing! The program is for kids ages 14-16 that want to come to camp and volunteer in the younger age groups to help out. To be a CIT at WKC, you must have attended WKC as a camper at some point, and you must be referred by a WKC staff member for the program and you will fill out an application and be interviewed. This program is a great way for teens to have a lot of fun, stay busy and build their resume!
We take our CIT positions very seriously and we only want those teens that are really interested in helping out and working with the younger kids. Please consider this carefully. If your teen is more interested in being with their peers and just hanging out, then it might not be a great option. Our Travel Camps do go through age 16 if they want to just be a camper, and they can attend a travel camp. ;) There are no wages and there is no tuition for our CITs.
Our CITs do not have to commit to the whole summer, but we require them to commit to at least 2 full weeks.
Junior Counselors: Our 17 year old previous CITs who have proven themselves in camp can become Junior Counselors. Junior counselors undergo all the training and requirements of our regular counselors.
Pick-Up and Drop-Off will occur at Murray Park off of 5300 South and 495 E. by Parkside Elementary. Drop off will occur from 8-9 a.m. Please ensure your camper is on time. We will return by 4 p.m. on Friday. Pick-up will be from 4-5 p.m. on Friday. Please ensure you arrive by 5 p.m.
Our packing lists are a result of years of experience doing Travel Camps. Please DO NOT send your camper with extra things. They really do ONLY need what is on the list. And, if it is on the list it MUST be sent. If you cannot provide something on the list, please contact our office. Assistance is available.
We encourage all campers to bring the spending money indicated on the Needs List. If possible, we would appreciate you sending it in a ziplock baggie, with their name on it, in $5 bills. If you prefer, you may pay the office for your camper's spending money and we will make sure they get it. We will let campers know at each store stop how much they may spend. If you cannot afford to send money with your camper on spending days, please contact the office so that we may assist. We often have chances available for campers to earn money helping prepare things for camp during the summer and they may be able to earn the money, or we may have a scholarship available for it. Please don't send them with extra money.
Our staff is comprised of individuals who have Wasatch Kids and outdoor experience. We have a dedicated travel staff for each travel camp and a director will be on each trip (Becca or Maryann).
Travel Camp has an Instagram account and Facebook page that we will be posting updates on throughout the week. Please subscribe to both so we can keep you updated and you can see our great pictures! Other than that, no news is good news!
Our travel camp bus, Archie, will transport our campers on our travel adventures. It is specially equipped for travel camp and has secured inside racks and exterior luggage racks for our belongings. We also have a Travel Camp truck that we use as an extra support vehicle and to occasionally transport campers in.
Campers are not allowed to have phones or other electronics in camp (with the exception of digital cameras). We are a screen-free camp, as we feel there are many benefits associated with kids engaging with each other rather than with their devices.
Remember--your kids will have access to staff phones if they need/want to communicate with you. No news is good news!
We encourage parents to only send campers to Travel Camp who have experience spending nights away from home. For 6-7-year-olds, we suggest they only attend if they have an older sibling attending or if they have experience camping and spending multiple nights away from home. We usually do not encounter any problems with homesickness, but if you are concerned, you may want to start your camper out on one of our more local travel camps. If a camper ever requests to call a parent we will allow them to do so. We encourage parents to be positive, encouraging, and excited about their camper's experience - and that generally will result in your camper having a great experience! Even campers who are a little homesick on the first night or two are usually having such a good time by day 2-3 that they forget about being homesick. If you are concerned about homesickness we can often buddy your camper up with one of our staff that will help to ease their minds. Sending a child with a headlight or personal book light and a book to read at night is a good way for homesick campers to fall asleep. Our evenings are also often filled with fun activities such as night games, night hikes, cards, smores, campfire songs, and stories. These all help our campers to feel right at home.
Campers and counselors will mostly sleep in 8 person spring bar tents. These tents are amazing and have withstood many rainstorms and windstorms while keeping our campers warm and dry. We do not allow campers to bring their own tents. Campers are welcome to bring their own labeled camp chairs or hammocks if it is on that trip's packing list. The tents will be separated by gender and there will be staff monitoring the tents at night. We occasionally will sleep under the stars (optional), also separated by gender. There is absolutely no dating, going out, holding hands or public displays of affection between campers at camp. Any relationships will be discouraged and breaking any of those rules may be grounds for your camper to be sent home.
We will provide your camper(s) with all meals during our trips. We are known for our amazing Travel Camp menus and kids never go hungry! We will provide daily snacks as well as regular meals for these active kids! If your child has allergies or sensitivities to any foods please make sure you let our travel camp staff know so that we can accommodate accordingly.
We always take extra precautions while traveling to ensure your child's safety and their safety is our #1 priority. All of the safety procedures explained in the day-camp section apply as well as extra precautions. Anytime we are around water we require campers to wear life jackets. We only do activities or hikes that our camps or staff have done before. We give our travel camp staff special training in emergency preparedness and safety. If your camper does not know how to swim, we encourage you to have them take swim lessons and make sure to let us know about their swimming ability so that we make sure to buddy them up with a counselor appropriately while in the water.
If your camper takes any medications, you will need to fill out a Medication Release Form (found online or in camps) prior to their attendance. You will turn in this form with the medication in a zip lock bag labeled with your child's name and preferably with the medication in its original container. We will keep their medication in our possesion and distribute it as needed. Asthma medication or Epi-pens may be kept with the child but a Medication Release Form is still necessary. We will assume that we may give your child age-appropriate doses of Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl, or hydrocortisone cream as necessary unless you have informed us that you would like us to contact you prior to doing so.
If your child has a minor injury during camp we will generally not notify you and will just treat it ourselves. Anytime a moderate to severe injury occurs, we will immediately notify you of it. In case of serious injury, we always know where the nearest Urgent Care or ER is and we will immediately contact and seek treatment for your camper. In case of serious injury, the staff and yourself will determine whether the camper is able to continue the week or we will arrange to meet you for you to retrieve your camper. We take special precautions to ensure we avoid heatstroke and sunburn, even on the hottest of days. We have an excellent safety record and want to reassure our parents that in our 15+ years of experience conducting travel and day camps we've learned how to keep your children safe. They are in great hands!